Analysis of Strain Path-Dependent Damage and Microstructure Development for the Numerical Design of Sheet-Bulk Metal Forming Processes
- Massivumformung
- Mechanik
- Umformtechnische Grundlagenforschung
- Materialcharakterisierung
- Verbund- / Großprojekt

Funding | German Research Foundation (DFG) |
Project | SFB/TR 73 • Subproject C4 |
Contact | Florian Gutknecht M. Sc. |
Status | Completed |
In collaboration with the Institute of Materials Science (IW) at Leibniz University Hannover, the development of voids and microcracks during forming and the influence on the subsequent component quality have been investigated over the past 12 years. For this purpose, different approaches for determining damage were compared and new material characterization methods were developed. These were used, among other things, to determine micromechanically motivated material parameters such as void nucleation in damage models. In addition, an analytical model for failure due to shearing from the sheet plane (Mode III) has been developed. A new fracture criterion has been added to the numerical damage models, which can be calibrated with few tests and it can be implemented comparatively easy (see figure). Investigations on forming processes have shown that a damage model for sheet bulk metal forming must consider a reduction of the void volume.