Federal Minister visits KORESIL stand at Hannover Fair

As one of ten selected showcase projects funded by the the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF), the KORESIL project was invited to present the current developments in the field of sustainable production technology as well as education and training of qualified personnel with the help of virtual and augmented learning worlds. In the latter area, the IUL has the development leadership in the project. During the exhibition week from 17.04. - 21.04. about 500 interested visitors experienced the live demonstrators first hand. The extrusion press located at the IUL could be explored collaboratively in an augmented environment. This form of digital, interactive teaching enables location-independent training of specialists with a high degree of immersivity. At the same time, real production machines can be monitored and controlled remotely with the help of these developments. The head of the BMBF, Federal Minister Stark-Watzinger (photo), also enthusiastically explored the innovative solutions of the KORESIL project.