Improvement of Product Properties by Selective Induction of Residual Stresses in Incremental Sheet Metal Forming
- Sonderverfahren
- Umformtechnische Grundlagenforschung
- Technologieentwicklung

Funding | German Research Foundation (DFG) |
Project | 372803376 (SPP 2013) |
Contact | Fabian Maaß M. Sc. |
In the third funding period of the priority program SPP 2013 a cooperation with the Chair of Materials and Surface Engineering of TU Chemnitz is established with the aim of predicting the component property improvement through residual stresses induced by forming technologies. The flexible forming process of Single Point Incremental Forming (SPIF) is used to set residual stresses in the components. A process enhancement that was developed in the last funding period enables the control of the residual stresses through superposition of tensile and compressive stresses during the forming process. Another aspect is to experimentally analyze the influence of corrosion on the residual stresses and vice versa during the manufacturing process as well as during the operation of the components (see figure). A goal of this project is to create a numerical prediction model for the structural strength for a part with a predefined residual stress state. This knowledge can be used to increase the structural strength of loaded components operating in corrosive environments.