New DFG project on adiabatic blanking at the IUL
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Within the framework of a new DFG project "Setting the properties of non-rotationally symmetric sheet components by high-speed blanking" successfully applied for by Prof. A. Erman Tekkaya and Dr. Till Clausmeyer, the successful research work on adiabatic blanking will soon be continued and intensified at the IUL. In a research alliance with Chemnitz University of Technology, TU Dortmund University and Technical University of Munich, as well as Fraunhofer Institute for Machine Tools and Forming Technology (Chemnitz) and Fraunhofer Institute IWM (Freiburg), the so-called high speed blanking (HGSS) will be investigated, which represents an economical and ecological alternative to conventional processes for the chipless cutting of steel and light metals. So far, however, there has been a lack of fundamental understanding of those mechanisms which generates the extraordinary properties of the blanked surface. The research group "Functional surfaces by high-speed adiabatic processes: microstructure, mechanisms and model development - FUNDAM³ENT" investigates material- and process-related factors. Spokesperson Prof. Thomas Lampke, Professorship Materials and Surface Engineering at Chemnitz University of Technology, coordinates the research group.