Doctoral examination at the IUL

The IUL congratulates Mr. Hamed Dardaei Joghan on passing his doctoral examination. On February 27, 2024, a large audience attended his doctoral presentation entitled "Hybrid additive manufacturing of metal laminated forming tools". Professor Sehrt from the "Hybrid Additive Manufacturing" chair at RUB and Professor Tekkaya from the IUL reviewed the lecture. The examination was also attended by the chairman PD Dr. habil. T. Kaiser of the IM and the examiner Prof. A. Zabel of the ISF at TU Dortmund University. In his dissertation, Mr. Hamed Dardaei Joghan deals fundamentally with the development and investigation of a new resource-efficient manufacturing process for rapid tooling. The process presented combines two additive manufacturing processes: Sheet metal lamination and Direct Energy Deposition (DED). In this combination, the core of the forming tool is produced by sheet metal lamination in a short time and at low cost. The resulting stair-step areas are compensated by laser powder deposition welding (LPA), a sub-category of the DED process. Three post-processing methods, milling, burnishing and laser polishing, are used and compared to improve the surface roughness of the applied surfaces.