Reducing the Stair Step Effect for Dies Manufactured by Layer-Laminated Manufacturing by Additive and Formative Post-Processing
- Sonderverfahren
- Technologieentwicklung

Funding | German Research Foundation (DFG) |
Project | 426515407 |
Contact | Hamed Dardaei Joghan M. Sc. |
For tool design purposes, a semi-analytical model based on the beam theory is being developed for laminated sheet metal tools. The strength and hardness of the individual weld tracks are investigated on different sheet thicknesses of ferritic steels. Then, the occurring “stair-steps”, which can vary due to the layering of the sheet laminations, are filled by laser metal deposition with different build-up strategies and process parameters. The surface area, hardness, and residual stresses of the welds and heat-affected zone are investigated, too. The effect of the initial temperature of the substrate on the mechanical properties of the welds is examined. The roughness of the welded surfaces is leveled by incremental roller burnishing. The results are transferred to a simple deep drawing die (see figure). In addition to energy consumption, the processing time, CO2 emissions, and production costs of the combined process are determined and evaluated in comparison with conventional deep drawing dies. As a final step, the gained know-how will be transferred to a complex die as demonstrator.