Project Work and Theses
You are welcome to research with us.
We offer a variety of attractive project and final theses where you can integrate your theoretical knowledge into scientific practice.
If you do not find a suitable thesis in the list of current theses, simply send us an inquiry to Bewerbung. We will then check whether we can offer you a suitable thesis. Your request should mention possible topics and include a current curriculum vitae as well as a current overview of grades.
Profil- und Blechumformung
- [PA/BA] Bestimmung des Einschnürungsbeginns in Warmzugversuchen
- [BA/MA] Regelungsorientierte Berechnung des Streckziehens mit variabler Niederhalterkraft in der mehrstufigen Warmblechumformung
- [BA/MA] Springback Control by Heating in a Bending Operation
- [BA/MA] Mehrstufige Warmblechumformung von Aluminium im Folgeverbundwerkzeug
- [MA] Entwicklung und Erprobung additiv gefertigter Presshärtewerkzeuge
- [MA] Simulation granulatgestützter Rohrumformung mit Hilfe der Diskrete-Elemente-Methode
- [MA] Damage and torsional load capacity of thin-walled welded and cold-drawn tubes