Celebrating 50 Years of Forming Technology "Impulses and Innovations in Metal Forming" on September 8 and 9, 2022
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Established in 1972 as the Chair for Forming Technologies, it evolved into one of Germany’s largest, internationally renowned forming technology institutes over the past 50 years, which is characterized by a broad-ranging field of research and a high level of training for engineers and young scientists. Together with research institutes and industrial partners from Germany and abroad, innovative basic and application-oriented research results were achieved, which often optimized industrial practice through technology transfer. Trends such as improved form and dimensional accuracy, the extension of forming limits, increasing product variance, or the environmentally conscious manufacturing and design of products were taken up and technological developments such as more precise analyses and calculation methods, more accurate measuring techniques, lightweight construction, new materials, digitalization, and artificial intelligence were applied. The thematically extended research assignment and the significant growth in staff members were taken into account by founding the IUL in 2004.