Presentation at the Innovation Afterwork Meeting on the Topic of Circular Economy

On November 22, 2021, the Greentech.Ruhr network together with the Prosperkolleg of the Ruhr-West University of Applied Sciences invited to the first event of the Innovation Afterwork series at the Ruhr Tower in Essen. The main topic of this meeting was the Circular Economy, which is also strongly investigated in the Ruhr area. For this purpose, four research institutes presented their current results and findings in short keynote speeches to an audience of industry representatives. Mr. Joshua Grodotzki gave a presentation entitled "Concepts for resource-efficient production using the example of chip extrusion", in which, in addition to a general overview of the topic of chip extrusion, the current developments in the KORESIL project were highlighted. This research project fits thematically in so far as it is built around a closed material cycle of a battery cell housing and, in addition to the production technology issues, also examines the ecological footprint of this process chain.