The research and development project KORESIL is responsible for the coordination tasks for the FOREL platform until 2024. FOREL is a national, open platform for the development of high-tech lightweight system solutions in multi-material design for e-vehicles of the future. Proactive, targeted development of process technologies and methods will continue to be pursued in the KORESIL project, but in addition to technology development, work will also focus on conducting analyses and assessments of new production tools and evaluation methods such as online life cycle assessment (LCA), augmented reality (AR), and collaborative robots (cobots or cobots). The aim of the project is to advance technological and social innovations in equal measure.
KORESIL combines the expertise of the IUL with that of the Institute of Lightweight Engineering and Polymer Technology (ILK, TU Dresden), the Chair of Machine Tools and Manufacturing Technology I (iwb, TUM), the Laboratory for Material and Joining Technology (LWF, Paderborn University) and the Institute of Processing Machines and Recycling Systems Technology (IART, TU Bergakademie Freiberg) to analyze a closed process cycle.
Click here for more information about KORESIL. (in German)
The research and development project KORESIL is funded by the German Federal Ministry of Education and Research (BMBF) in the program "Innovationen für die Produktion Dienstleistung und Arbeit von morgen" ("Innovations for tomorrow's manufacturing, services and work") (funding 02P20Z000 - 02P20Z004) and supervised by the Project "Projektträger Karlsruhe" (PTKA).